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Most sewage systems use gravity to move solids and liquids down a pipe. However, there may be situations where it is simply not possible to locate plumbing devices higher than a septic or city sewage system. In those cases, it becomes necessary to use a sewage pump to move the effluent.This type of pump has one job and one job only … to move solids and liquids between locations.Typically it will be placed in a sewage basin, which must be in the lowest area of the location needing to be drained. The pump must be submersible and capable of continuous operation.A sewage pump is installed at the bottom of a basin or receptacle, often a septic tank. The pump intake is located as close to the floor of the basin as possible. The goal is to remove as much of the solids and liquids from the basin as possible. Because some room must be left between the floor and the pump, it is unlikely that total draining will ever take place without manual intervention.