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A sump pump is used to remove water that has accumulated in a water collecting basin, commonly found in the basement of homes. This is necessary where basement flooding happens regularly and to eliminate dampness where the water table is above the foundation. The water may enter via the perimeter drains of the basement waterproofing system, funneling into the basin or because of rain or ground water, if the basement is below the water table.  Sump pumps send water away from a house to any place where it is no longer problematic, such as a municipal storm drain or a dry well.Pumps may discharge to the sanitary sewer in older installations. Once considered acceptable, this practice may now violate the plumbing code or municipal bylaws, because it can overwhelm the municipal sewage treatment system. Municipalities urge homeowners to disconnect and reroute sump pump discharge away from sanitary sewers. Fines may be imposed for noncompliance. Many homeowners have inherited their sump pump configurations and do not realize that the pump discharges to the sewer. If the discharge is fed to a laundry sink in the basement, it's likely going to the sewer.  We can repair or install a brand new sump pump in your home, below are examples of our work.